Thursday, October 4, 2007

Just like christa

well, Christa has a blog and so I had to follow and get one too. We also have similar hair cuts. I also, like Christa will post the odd and funny things that happen to my family, which is often. We live on the same street too. We live in the same model house almost the same color. We both painted our hallway. We both have sons with brown hair and like to play with Littlest Pet shop. We both like to play dress up. We both work at the same place. have you ever seen Single White female? Well, in my quest to be like Christa, i will fail. she runs like 3 miles a day (not happening here), she has pretty skin (me, 33 yrs old and still have acne), Christa doesn't like gossip, (I admit, it entertains me), Christa, a OCD clean freak (me=messy,ADD). well, here is my first blog. yesterday, i got a wild hair and colored my blonde hair for the first time ever brown. lets see if it stays. well, this is actually fun, will anyone actually read it?


! Nick ! said...

I will read it! good post!

christa said...

The gold prom dress is hot, but the crack shot is sure to be hotter!